We're fascinated by speed. Whether it's from our favorite athletes, animals in the wild, or our cars, elite speed grabs our attention and reminds us that no matter how fast we are going today, something faster is not far behind. In the automotive world, Mercedes-Benz AMG sets the (incredibly fast) pace when it comes to speed and performance, thanks to its rich history of innovation and its vast collection of stunningly athletic cars. Although they aren't always easy to locate, Loeber Motors is the place to find Mercedes-Benz AMG models for sale in Chicago IL, so you can properly satisfy your need for speed.
Hand-crafted AMG engines are the heart and soul of Mercedes-Benz AMG models. That might sound like an unlikely premise in an industry that thrives on automation, but that's what makes AMG so special, and also the standard in automotive performance. Men and women — craftsmen, designers and engineers — work together to push the limits of speed and performance, which is why AMG's "One Man, One Engine" is more than just a slogan, but a unique and superior approach to manufacturing.